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Watch Baby Secret of the Lost Legend Full Movie on LugaTv

Watch Baby Secret of the Lost Legend Full Movie

Run Time: 1h 35m.
IMDb: 5.1 / 10.
Release year: 1985.
Story: A paleontologist and her husband discover a mother and baby brontosaurus in Africa, and try to protect them from a group of hunters intent on capturing the dinosaurs.

The paleontologist Susan Matthews-Loomis moves with her husband, the unemployed journalist George Loomis, to the Ivory Coast to work with her former professor, Doctor Eric Kiviat, and his assistant Nigel Jenkins in an archaeological site. When George is invited to work in a newspaper in the United States, Susan discovers a bone that she believes is from a dinosaur; but Eric tells that she is wrong. However he knows that Susan has made an important discovery and wants the credits. George packs their stuff to travel but Susan wants to check her discovery and leaves a note to him telling that she will investigate further in the forest. George hires an airplane to follow her and he succeeds to find his wife. Soon they find befriend the native Cephu and his tribe. When they find a family of brontosaurus in the middle of the forest, they feed the animals and become close to their baby. Meanwhile, Eric hires mercenaries to help him to capture the brontosaurus and the militia kills the male and catch the female. Susan and George help the Baby to survive, but soon Eric finds that there is a baby and wants to catch the little animal for him. Will Baby survive?

Paleontologist Susan Matthews-Loomis is nearing the end of her six month post-doctorate stint in the equatorial rainforest of West Africa under the direction of the renowned Dr. Eric Kiviat. While Susan is dismayed that her dream of finding a dinosaur bone, let alone an entire dinosaur skeleton, did not happen, her husband, George Loomis, who put his sports reporting career on hold to support Susan, is at least happy that they will be returning to the civilization of the United States so that they can resume their lives. What Susan is unaware of is that the few bones she found that she thought were dinosaur bones that Eric told her were giraffe bones were indeed dinosaur, Eric trying to throw her off the track of any such find so that he could report whatever find based on her search as his own after shes gone, and that he has already killed to protect his leads. On the day Susan and George are supposed to leave to head back to the States, Susan, without telling Eric and only leaving a note for George as to her intention, heads further up river to do some work outside her mandate, but which she believes may be related to her bones. As George eventually catches up with her, they not only find dinosaur bones, but a live family of brontosauruses: a set of parents and a female hatchling. This find could make Susans career if they can report it. However, they have to battle some natural elements of the region to make it out alive. In addition, Eric, his associate Nigel Jenkins, and a small army of African mercenaries Eric has hired are hot on their tail, Eric who will do anything to make this find his own. Through it all, Susan and George will protect the brontosauruses, especially the hatchling, against Erics self-interested objectives at all cost, even if it means not reporting the find.

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