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Watch George Washington Slept Here Full Movie on LugaTv

Watch George Washington Slept Here Full Movie

Run Time: 1h 33m.
IMDb: 6.9 / 10.
Genre: comedy movies
Release year: 1942.
Story: When Bill and Connie Fuller are forced to move out of their Manhattan apartment because of their pet dog, Connie persuades Bill to buy a dilapidated old Pennsylvania house that George Washington allegedly slept in.

New Yorkers Bill and Connie Fuller have to move from their apartment. Without Bills knowledge, Connie purchases a delapidated old farmhouse in Pennsylvania, where George Washington was supposed to have actually slept during the American Revolution. Much of the humor comes from the couples many problems they encounter while trying to fix up the place.

Living in a rented New York City apartment, confirmed urbanite Bill Fuller, his wife Connie Fuller, Connies sixteen year old sister Madge who has continual crushes on a rotation of older, authority figures, their housekeeper Hester, and their pet terrier Rommy are forced to move for the third time in a year. While Bill fully expects they will find another similar apartment in the city, Connie ultimately convinces him to move to a rural property she has found in historic northeastern Pennsylvania - that convincing being the fact that she already bought it without consulting him - with him to make the commute to the city for work. Beyond home ownership, what sold Connie on the run down colonial house are the unconfirmed stories that once slept there. They will find that the house and the property are not all what Connie thought, the necessary and seemingly never-ending upgrades more expensive than what the property caretaker, Mr. Kimber, first tells them, money which they may not have beyond still needing to pay the mortgage. These renovations are beyond discovering that the stories about Washington have proven to be unfounded, rendering the property worthless from a historical standpoint. Their troubles are not confined to the property being a money pit, but also to neighbors (Mr. Prescott seemingly doing whatever he can to make their lives miserable, while Bill believes Jeff Douglas has eyes for Connie and visa versa) and to family (Madge having her latest crush, this one which seems to be sticking stronger and longer than most, they needing temporarily to take care of Connies precocious and destructive nephew Raymond, and getting an unexpected visit from Connies wealthy but miserly Uncle Stanley who seems to take more than he gives) begging the questions whether they can survive all their troubles and if so how.

Director: .
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