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Watch Johnny Allegro Full Movie on LugaTv

Watch Johnny Allegro Full Movie

Run Time: 1h 21m.
IMDb: 6.4 / 10.
Release year: 1949.
Story: Treasury Department officials recruit a florist (Raft) to lead them to a wanted criminal (Macready); but once he gets too close, he finds hes the hunted.

Los Angeles hotel lobby florist Johnny Allegro is a man with a secret: hes a former criminal who escaped from Sing Sing prison. However, Johnny went straight and became a legitimate businessman. One day, a high-class, well dressed attractive blonde runs into his arms in the hotel lobby and pretends shes his date for the evening. She whispers in his ear that she is being followed, in danger and needs Johnnys help to escape. Intrigued, Johnny agrees to play along and help the stunning blonde beauty. They sit in the hotel bar and talk. Her name is Glenda Chapman and she wants to escape the police detective who sits in the lobby shadowing her. Over the following days, Johnny falls for Glenda who lives in the hotel. Unfortunately, Johnny is visited in his flower shop by Treasury Agent Schultzy, who tells Johnny that he knows about Johnnys real identity and that Johnny is an escaped criminal. However, Johnny is not arrested. Instead, the Treasury Agent asks him to assist the government in locating the source of a huge stash of counterfeit US currency flooding the country. In return, the government is prepared to help Johnny receive a reduced prison sentence for his escape from Sing Sing. Johnny agrees but hes surprised to find out that his new romantic conquest, Glenda, is somehow involved in the counterfeit money scheme. Johnny is torn between his love for Glenda and the promise he made to the Treasury Agents.

Johnny Rock is an escaped convict from Sing Sing. Having gone straight in part to evade capture, he, reverting to his pre-criminal life growing up in Hells Kitchen, is now operating a retail florist business in an upscale hotel in Los Angeles under his name at birth, John Allegro. Knowing nothing about her beyond her request, Johnny helps a beautiful hotel guest, Glenda Chapman, evade the police who are tailing her. In the process, the two start to fall for each other. It is his association with her that Johnny himself attracts the attention of the authorities, specifically Agent Schultz - "Schultzy" - of the US Treasury Department, he who knows John Allegro is Johnny Rock. Rather than bring him in, Schultzy offers him a proposition: to help them find Glendas connections to a crime in return for a reduced remainder of his time behind bars, which is only aided by Johnny already having served his country in war in distinguished service post-his escape. While Johnny accepts the offer much against some of Schultzys colleagues who believe he will use the opportunity to disappear, Johnny only discovers much of what Schultzy didnt tell him in the process of working on the case: Schultzy knows that the mastermind of the crime is Morgan Vallin, Glendas husband, who is planning on flooding the country with already printed counterfeit currency. What Schultzy does not know is where the money is being hidden and how Vallin is planning on circulating the money without detection. Beyond the issue of Glenda, the problem for Johnny is being isolated in the money being hidden on one of the many islands off the Florida coast, he a voluntary captive on the unknown island with Glenda, Vallin, and his skipper Roy, neither of Vallin or Roy trusting Johnny with Vallin a sadist who takes pleasure in psychological torture before killing his human prey.

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