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Watch Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Full Movie on LugaTv

Watch Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Full Movie

Run Time: 1h 45m.
IMDb: 6.0 / 10.
Release year: 1961.
Story: When the Earth is threatened by a burning Van Allen Radiation Belt, U.S. Navy Admiral Harriman Nelson plans to shoot a nuclear missile at the Belt, using his experimental atomic submarine, the Seaview.

Admiral Nelson takes a brand new atomic submarine through its paces. When the Van Allen radiation belt catches fire, the admiral must find a way to beat the heat or watch the world go up in smoke.

US Navy Admiral Harriman Nelson evokes extreme views. Some believe he is the greatest scientific mind around, while others see him as a lunatic. His latest project, an atomic submarine, the Seaview, which he designed and built, is evoking as many divergent views. The Seaview is going through its final tests in the Arctic region. One day, the Seaview unexpectedly goes through a dangerous underwater ice shower - the ice pieces the size of large boulders - which Nelson and his crew ultimately learn is due to the Van Allen Radiation Belt being on fire, causing the break-up of icebergs on the surface. If the fire is not contained, it could mean the destruction of the Earth. At a UN meeting in New York to discuss what to do, Nelson states that he believes the fire will not burn out as many other scientists believe, and that he can extinguish the fire by shooting a missile at the belt in exactly sixteen days from the region of the Marianas Trench in the Pacific. His view is supported by his friend, fellow scientist, retired Commodore Lucius Emory. Unable to get orders for or against from the US government, Nelson proceeds to sail the Seaview to his intended destination, which is against the wishes of the UN. Despite being generally loyal to the admiral, many aboard the Seaview believe his action is irrational, foolish and/or reckless. Among those are: Captain Lee Crane, the subs commanding officer; Dr. Susan Hiller, a visiting psychiatrist on board to do research of the effects of stress on the crew; and Miguel Alvarez, a civilian scientist and religious zealot, who believes that if the world is to end that it is Gods fate. Caught in the middle is Lieutenant Cathy Connors, the admirals secretary, who is still seemingly loyal to her boss, but who is also engaged to Captain Crane. These internal struggles are not the only obstacles Nelson faces, but also the regular perils of the ocean, the UN who they learn has issued a seek and destroy order of the Seaview, and a potentially mutinous crew, one of who seems to be sabotaging the mission even at the expense of some of the other crew members lives.

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